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I. Definition of the Dark Arts
Black or Dark Arts Science is a part of the wizarding world that violates the rules that exist in the world of magic. According to Jake Gosvina in his book Black Magic and The Wizarding World of definition of black magic is a form of magic that is issued by the wearer of the magic. Black magic circumstances regarding the types of powers that should not be created.
Meanwhile, according to Professor Dirk Steven Sandez in his book Against the Dark Arts and Relation Muggle and Wizarding population of black magic is a magic that is used for crimes against others and generally used for its own sake.
Conclusion 3 above definition is black magic is a form of witchcraft which is issued by the user who violates the rules of the wizarding world and aims to crimes against other people for the sake of self-interest.
II. Types of Black Magic
According to the book by Mandy Jacky 100001 Landy in the Dark Arts, black magic is divided into several types
* Dark Magic Spell or Spells Dark Arts
Dark Magic Spell or Spells Dark Arts refers to a magic spell used by the wearer are intended to injure or negative effects to the recipient. All black magic are included in this group are spells.
* Dark Magic Items or objects Dark Arts
Dark Magic Black Magic Items or objects are objects that contain black magic or objects that are used and created aiming to injure others or give negative effects to the recipient. All black magic are included in this group are the objects that are created or dimantrai with remarks that it was real.
* Dark Creatures or Creatures Dark Arts
Dark Creatures Creatures or Black Magic is a living creature that was born or created with a specific purpose. These living creatures consist of some kind but basically everything is the same that has evil purposes. Included in this group are all living species both created and formed its own that has the purpose to injure another person or leave a negative effect in his life.
III. Scope of the Dark Arts
In this essay the scope lies in the black magic spells contained in the black arts. In addition to the tasks assigned, black magic spells more frequently used than the other two types of black magic because it is faster and does not pose much of a problem.
IV. Explanation of Black Magic Mantra
Black Magic spells of some kind. According to the book 100001 Dark Magic spells in the black arts are divided into three types.
* Curse
* Jinx
* Hex
The definition of the above three types of more or less the same that spells that contains a condemnation of the recipient spell. Different from the curse of the above three is the power and the results obtained.
Curse refers to a curse that is done directly. Thus the curse that delivered clear or direct on target. Curse this kind can directly result in accordance with the curse given
Jinx (plural: Jinxes) are cursed with a curse as lighter weights. Jinx unlike Cursed which can cause death directly (instant kill) but provides some sort of negative effect on the recipient magic.
Hex (plural: Hexes) is a curse that causes people to change their shape. The curse is changing all or some members of the recipient's body magic becomes worse. The weight of this condemnation is lighter than Cursed.
* Spells Most Dangerous and Prohibited
According to an interview with Professor Minerva McGonagall, there are 3 types most dangerous and forbidden spells. People call it the Curse Not Forgiven namely Avada Kedavra, Crucio and Imperio
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[*] The Avada Kedavra
This curse is a curse spells to kill directly to the recipient. The death of the recipient of this curse occurs directly after this curse out and for no apparent reason the recipient of the curse will die.
[*] Crucio
This curse is a curse spell that gives all the pain in the body. Allows to give death to a body that does not suffer.
[*] Imperio
Curses are spells that affect other people's minds like a hypnotist. In addition, this spell can make the sender curse can read all that is in the mind of the recipient of a curse. And the recipient of the curse will do as instructed by the sender curse.
Introduction of Ancient Runes
I. Step One: Introduction About Ancient Rune
Ancient Runes is a study of the letters or symbols of runes. Rune itself is an ancient German alphabet (which for some people like cuneiform) used in Northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland since 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E.
Letter / rune symbol is closely linked to the beliefs of ancient communities, where they believe that every god has powers and duties that are drawn to rune stones, so it has a magical power to users. Therefore, in addition to writing, runes are also used in magic and divination. The word divination (divination) is not really appropriate, because the so-called runecasting it does not really show us the future of the real, but merely provide an overview and instructions (oracle, ed.). Regarding Rune magic using, there are several different forms, including magic using bind-runes and runic scripts.
There are many variations of alphabet rune or better known by the name 'Futhark'. Each version has a name, form, meaning, and esoteric meaning (understood only certain people only), and magical powers. A variation can not arbitrarily be combined with any other variation, because it means it can be very confusing. The three types of alphabet runes that are best known to the modern world is the Elder Futhark or Old Germanic Rune which has 24 runes and the runes of the oldest, Younger Futhark which has fewer rune and is commonly used in Scandinavia, as well as Anglo-Saxon Futhorc which is the development of the alphabet runes before.
II. Step Two: Elder Futhark, The Most Ancient Rune
Elder Futhark or Old Germanic Rune, is the oldest version of the rune alphabet. Included in the language families Proto-Germanic, Proto-Norse, Gothic, and Alamannic, Futhark is derived from the alphabet Italy long, and is used by the nations of Germanic-century 2- to 8 as an engraving on the artifacts and stone runes.
For several centuries, the Elder Futhark is an alphabetical rune most commonly used in Northern Europe, although in the long run, especially in Scandinavia, alphabet rune this one has been changed into the Younger Futhark that the number of symbols less, while the Anglo-Saxon and Frisian develop into Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. Since then, the knowledge of how to read a text with Elder Futhark alphabet and everything related to the runes began to be forgotten.
The word 'Futhark' is derived from the initials the name of six letters / symbols of this rune alphabet first. Elder Futhark, as we have seen, has twenty-four symbols. The symbols were then divided into three groups of eight runes symbols called Aett (Aettir in the plural), which will be described below.
III. Step Three: Knowing A Little More About The Three
As mentioned earlier, Elder Futhark is divided into three Aettir. Aett (singular of Aettir) means eight in the Old Norse language, and the Elder Futhark, Aett means a group that contains eight rune symbols. Aettir is used for easy recall rune symbol sequence, and also have significant utility in the magical things. When dealing with the use of runes in divination (or rather, runecasting), Aettir often associated with a particular deity. The Aettir we know is Freyja's Aett, Hagal's Aett and Tyr's Aett
The first was Freyja's Aett Aett, as the name implies, is ruled by the Goddess of Death, Love and Magis nation Norse: Freyja. Aett is associated with the creation of the world, the races that inhabit it, and the gods of his. Rune in this Aett have the clout to make things started. In runecasting, rune-rune in Freyja's Aett express the basic principles of life, such as money, health, conflict, intelligence, control, knowledge, balance and pleasure with practical matters. He is also widely used in a question about love or family, according to the owner of this Aett, Freyja.
Aett second is Hagal's Aett. There are differing opinions about who the 'owner' of this second Aett. Some say that this Aett shaded by Hel, the Goddess of Death and the Underworld, in accordance with the fact that the first two runes in this Aett has natural properties that little 'hard'. Others say that this Aett owned by Heimdall, The Watcher. However, there is an understanding that this Aett corresponds to forces beyond human influence and with a cosmic sense. Rune-rune in Hagal's Aett represent such forces Norns, time, Wyrd, and spiritual development. He is also related to emotional problems and psychological condition of an individual.
Last Aett is Tyr's Aett, under the auspices of the god of war and justice, Tyr. This Aett associated with experiences that shape or transform human life. He deals with the human condition, social aspects, and social transformation. Aett latter is clearly 'exceed' two previous Aett, where it is closely connected with the relation between human beings as well as related to sexual life. Aett first to have close links with the outside world / materials, Aett second deals with the inner world or spiritual world, while the third Aett combine the world's second and most runes on this Aett has a double meaning that includes both aspects.
IV. Step Four: A Deeper View of Hagal's Aett
Each rune symbols have meaning and significance magical. First of all, we have the name of a symbol, then the phonetic value, then it symbolized the runes and in the end, the esoteric meaning of the rune symbols are used in what we refer to as runecasting. If a rune reversed, in the sense that the symbol is still visible, only rotated 180 degrees, it has a different meaning and significance of runes which fall upright. Some Rune look the same as they fall upright or inverted, but just like any other rune symbols that look different when it fell upside down, they can fall merkstave (literally meaning 'dark twig'). When falling upside down or merkstave (slumping), a rune has a different meaning from when he fell upright. However, the meaning and significance of runes which fall backwards or merkstave not always the inverse or opposite of the meaning and significance when it fell upright. They generally would have a more negative connotation than the meaning and significance of runes which fall upright.
Hagal's Aett, as discussed earlier, is Aett associated with psychological and emotional state of an individual. The eighth letter in it also corresponded with forces beyond human influence and with a cosmic sense. Rune-rune in Hagal's Aett represent such forces Norns, time, Wyrd, and spiritual development. In short, this is a Aett Aett development of spiritual awareness and magical, psychological growth and evolution of self
In addition to having the same core meaning general, the eighth symbol in Hagal's Aett also has a specific meaning and significance vary. The meaning of each rune itself is closely related to the emblem, where one rune symbol symbolizes one meaning, and then generate some esoteric meanings that are based on trust and associations of such symbols to something.
Small star called Nemesis is orbiting the solar system at position 25 thousand times the distance between the Earth to the sun. Star is believed to cause the apocalypse on Earth, including the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Nemesis is believed to have a size five times larger than Jupiter.
Nemesis was first proposed in 1984 to explain perplexing cycles of mass extinction on earth apocalypse around 27 million years. It is similar to the clock that shows mass extinction similar to the removal of the dinosaurs (and all life on earth) of about 65.5 million years ago. "If you see something with a regular cycle of 10 million or 100 million years, you would think that it concerns matters of astronomy," said physicist Adrian Melott dai University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. "For example, the galaxy needs about 250 million years for one orbit." Astronomers claim that a small star like star dim red dwarf or white dwarf, called Nemesis might be orbiting close to our sun at a very large distance, nearly a year of light away and were beyond the orbit of the planet. In this condition, may be entering a collection of comets that surrounds the solar system known as the Oort Cloud. When Nemesis pass through the Oort Cloud, this can disrupt the orbits of many comets and causing kajatuhannya into the solar system and eventually hit the earth. "Will there are often many will be hit by a comet and the Earth and cause extinctions," said Melott as quoted by MSNBC. In a new study, Melott and colleagues Richard Bambach of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC to analyze a collection of data regarding the last extinction that occurred on Earth. They look at the fossil record that brought them back to 500 million years ago. This new analysis to make sure that the 27 million year cycle is indeed there, with the peak of extinction in those years. Extinction is no place in the middle of the cycle and sometimes even during the peak of the earth safe. But overall Scientists confirm life has become a little more risky on Earth every 27 million years. Melott and Bambach argue Nemesis is impossible. "If Nemesis exists and has the kind of orbit like this, then the orbit would not be unusual," said Melott on "Calculations indicate this orbit will change 20% to 50% due to the gravitational traction stars that pass us, and the movement of the sun in our galaxy". "Therefore, a celestial body like Nemesis can not explain the long and constant orbit because its orbit itself would not be constant until a very long time". Melott and Bambach said that the question of what caused the extinction cycle completely open now. "For me, it is a puzzle that is solved," he said. This finding has been accepted as a material to be published on a topic for the journal of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters.
Magic and Mysticism Science In Kabbala
Kabalisme is pure Illuminism as the secret doctrine teaches that misleading and berbeli complicated - twisted and perverted secret doctrine, which finally held firmly by a higher level .: The Serpent Grail is their true God; all that does is Satanic, through alchemy, magic transformed to virtue; and they believe in Lucifer as God. Only God Actual Satan. That's the important doctrine Kabalisme. That, dear friends, horror and embarrassment of the Jewish Kabala.
Witchcraft is common in Jewish religious rites kabbalistis misleading. In the picture above have a rabbi brought a dead chicken to be sacrificed to read witchcraft / voodoo / type of Santeria ritual during the Jewish Yom Kippur feast. (Photo: Israel, A Photobiography, by Micha Bar-Am, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998)
Below are some comments of people who have scientific authority on Jewish Kabbala:
Kabbala contains teaching and the forces of evil / satanic, and more than enough to provide the ideology and as the driving force necessary to lead the world astray, and to keep alive the sinister conspiracy that has lasted for centuries. Kabbala is a teaching resource Freemasons also other groups. - John Torrell, Publisher, The Dove.
Kabbala: Black Magic Book which is purified by Orthodox Jewish religious groups that make up most of the foundations of Western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Cabalism itself comes from the magic of the days of Babylon and ... Pharaonic Egypt. Craig Heimbichner, Blood On The Altar.
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